Lake San Isabel - 17-19 Aug 2018

Monday, October 8, 2018

On a nice summer day, raining, we had a nice campout. The night we got there, it would start to rain on and off. Most of the campsite was rocky so we had to be spread out.
At Lake San Isabel, our campsite had a creek next to it. During the day, we would sit in the creek and talk. We took a hike and cooked lunch on the trail. When we got to where we were going, we looked around and saw an old mine and a pretty lagoon! It started to rain/hail, so we started to go back. When we got back, astonished, there was a fire and the rain stopped. We finished our lunch and played capture the flag. That night, we cooked "Jiffy Pop Popcorn," and put melted marshmallow in the popcorn, Yum!