Virtual Merit Badge Opportunity

Thursday, March 19, 2020

This comes from Mrs. Claman who found it on the Boy Scout Volunteer Facebook group:

Hello! I'm a moderator for a BSA-centric discord server, and right now the youth mods and other members of the server are planning a virtual merit badge week since a lot of members don't have school (thank you COVID-19). We are currently working on gauging interest in merit badges to determine what merit badges to offer first.

If you have scouts interested in earning a merit badge right now, please send them this survey! If you're interested in teaching one, please let me know. ðŸ™‚

The discord is located here:

We have two 21+ moderators, both trained in YPT, as well as additional YPT certified adults and youth on the server. Right now the plan is to hold two or three merit badges in the evening, similar to a scout camp schedule. If there's a lot of interest and/or more volunteers, that may adjust.


As a Troop we are also going to explore more virtual options.  Expect to see information about using Zoom for video conferencing for future meetings and I am going to be re-sending out an invite link to join our Slack channel.

Mr. Blouin